Welcome back to my blogs & HAPPY VALENTINE DAY

So today blog is going to be about LOVE on the occasion of VALENTINE DAY  which is been
celebrated today. There are many postulates regarding this day but what we celebrate it for the symbol of love and gratitude among our loved once. So come on lets make this day a special.
With the valentine day around the corner, we all know that “LOVE” is in the air & Cupid is getting ready to point his arrows.

First let me ask you one Question.

What is LOVE?
Love is when two people touch each other soul.
Love is honesty & Trust.
Love is helping each other.
Love is mutual Respect.
Love means that differences can be worked out.
Love is reaching your dreams together.
Love is connection of two hearts.

What do you guys think what would be the correct explation for this OR we would like to choose as per our convenience in the present condition of the life. I know we cannot find out the exact definition of it but we can feel it in our day to day life.

Each year when the times come around, we begin to see the red heart-shaped boxes of chocolates fill the aisles of Grocery store & supermarkets, along with Giants cards and fluffy teddy bears. It reminds us of roses & love for those Pisces people around us. We all have our own meaning & interpretation of it.

Loves comes in all shapes and sizes and variations. For such strong word, it has endless Meanings. For one universal understanding of a feelings. We all interpret it differently. We feel I our own way and express it  differently.

Despite the differences when it comes to the word “Love” we all share one thing-the limitlessness. Love is limitless. We have The Power to love unconditionally. And endlessly .the ability to love anyone or Anything want? We have it
That is why when someone asked me to “Describe love in one word” and I replied “Limitless”, I was curious as to how other would respond because there is simply no limit to the answer

Love is far from simple. It’s quite complex It’s a harmonious mix of everything from sadness to joy passion to hatred its monotony and excitement. It’s almost every feeling you can imagine and more you know love when you find it. It’s how that one person can brighten your day with a simple smile. It’s the fear to look away for they might not be there when you look back. It’s wondering what you did to deserve them not having them with you is like missing a part of yourself you I’ll never know when love will happen just that when it does in the moment, when your heart seems to step and you can’t look away that is love nothing else

When someone loves you, they don’t have to say it always, but you can always know it by the way they treat you. You just need to recognise it and follow the path which leads to it. It is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person. To love someone isn’t a strong feeling. It’s a DECISION a JUDGEMENT a PROMISE. It’s a very special and the top of the world feeling to have someone in your life who can make you smile even when they’re not around us.

Love doesn’t fade up with the distance as far as you found it to be. Long distance relationship are hard, but they’re also trust, respect and support, each other from a distance then you’ll be unstoppable once you’re physically together. Those who have never known the deep intimacy and the intense companionship of mutual love have missed the best thing that life has to give. In all this if you realized how powerful your thought are, you would never think, A Negative Thought.

I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, But People will never forget how you made them FEEL. I will definitely say that, don’t find love, Let love find you. That’s why it’s called falling in love because you don’t force yourself to fall, you just fall. It does not matter that whatever the condition or the situation around us.

Once the beauty of that is revealed to you, you fall in love with it .and then it get maintained. The ego itself is the evil and the devil. The entire game of duality is the evil. To think that one has a choice and a decision is evil. Seated in the ego, whatever you do-care, passion, and love, service – all is evil. Don’t ask, do you respect me, love me?” Enquire whether he is capable of respecting and loving. Most people cannot love-anybody, anything. When love calls, do not resist. Go, that is where you will find peace. Do not fight that unreasonable urge. Surrender to your glorious defect.”

An insecure mind, worrying about its own self-interest, cannot love. Love is for those who have stopped worrying about themselves, I think “Truth and Love is same. The Expression is different. Truth will call the false as false; Love will see the true in the false.

Don’t worry if someone leaves you in certain part of your journey. Letting go is a part of moving on to something better. You will not get what you truly deserve if you are too attached to the things you’re supposed to let go of. Sometimes you love, you struggle, you learn and you move on, and that’s OK. You must be willing to let go of the life you planned for so you can enjoy the life that is waiting for you

In the End, Only Three things matter: How much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.
This is just my view your view may differ in many ways from mine. If you think anything wrong in this and something good in this kindly make it knows to me also so I can also improve my point of view about it because this is LIMITLESS”.

At last I wanna thanks someone to suggest me this lovely topic and help in knowing the deepness of this topic.
And last question for u guys “Describe Love in One Word” and let me know in the comment down below.
Hope you all enjoyed the blogs😍


  1. Love is reason to smile,love is that promise to be kept for lifetime.

  2. Madhuri Suryawanshi14 February 2018 at 21:58

    Love is exit from our.faded lives,it is exploring ourselves


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